Quick question: I have noticed that my arugula becomes spicier as I let it go to seed and then plant the next generation, is this a thing? My 3rd and 4th generation seeds are sooo deliciously peppery! Thanks, Nancy

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Wow Jessica. Thank you for your quick and informative response. Please keep up the good work. Walter Paluch

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I would like to know more about plants, shrubs and veggies that are not as attractive to deer, bunnies, etc. As an example, I planted violas, a favorite flower of mine and they were totally eaten the next morning. My neighbor wires the sides and top of his veg. garden and I don't want to go that way. So much work. I've planted flowers deer resistant but not crazy about them. I think this is a country living problem. Am I correct?

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Thanks For such an interesting gardening read ! On eastern Long Island one of my big time searches is for articles and info on trying to prevent garden / flowers/plants

Wipeout by roaming deer , products / sprays/perceptions will be appreciated


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